Theoretical Foundations of Marketing Research in Tourist Destinations

  • Автор : гл. ас. д-р Светослав Матеев Калейчев’ научен секретар
  • Дата : 22.05.2023


The current development of most tourist destinations is still determined by the continuing impact of the global pandemic of COVID-19, which in 2020 managed to have an unprecedented negative impact on the global tourism industry, returning it to levels known in the 1990s. According to the World Tourism Organization, the loss of international tourist arrivals is 74% in 2020 compared to the previous 2019. The same year saw a loss of revenue from international tourism of $1.3 trillion. In these extremely difficult conditions of existence, most of the tourist organizations turn their attention to destination marketing, as the only tool that allows for successful market positioning and preservation of the existing market share. Because of that this paper will present the theoretical foundations of marketing research in order to raise awareness of their ability to provide complete and plain information, leading to motivated decisions for the strategic development of individual tourist destinations.


Keywords: tourist destinations, marketing research, theoretical foundations


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