Methodological Guidelines for the Sustainable Development of the Bulgarian Touristic Resorts through Reducing the Harmful Impact of Transport

  • Автор : Проф. д-р Еленита Кирилова Великова
  • Дата : 05.02.2024


The achievement of sustainable development of Bulgarian tourist resorts is questionable after the European Commission has put Bulgaria’s two-month ultimatum to prove that it can deal with the problem of dirty air. Tourism is a sector that is accused of violating sustainable development due to its many negative environmental impacts. A significant part of the harmful impact is due to the transport used to reach the desired destination and the movement itself. Sustainable development is a key objective of the EU and Bulgaria should not lag behind in terms of the essential indicators for its achievement. This publication aims to propose effective measures to reduce the harmful impact of passenger transport on the environment by establishing sustainable transport practices in touristic resorts. The environmental component of sustainable development is among its main priorities. Based on expert analysis of Bulgarian touristic resorts, our own research and experience in the studied subject will offer effective measures to increase their sustainability by reducing the harmful impact of transport on the environment.


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