The research object is Bulgaria as a tourist destination. Research subject is sustainable environmental planning for tourism purposes. The competitive usage of the territory imposes the search of possibilities for carrying out a few different and sometimes mutually excluding activities. Careful environmental planning is needed, and in order for it to be sustainable, it must not violate the right of future generations to use this territory as well. The tourism is a spatial phenomenon and is a very important sector of the Bulgarian economy. Its sustainable development is a priority for the government of the country. The Ministry of tourism is developing a targeted policy towards establishing the field and is trying to introduce some relieves so it can help the tourist companies in overcoming the current crisis. Significant progress in the development of tourism provides the division of the territory into nine tourist regions, which aim to stabilize the tourist supply in Bulgaria. The publication aims to analyse the development of regulations in the field of spatial planning, to show the progress made in terms of tourism environmental planning and on this basis to outline trends in the future development of the destination Bulgaria.
Keywords: Tourism, Sustainable environmental planning, Bulgaria, Tourist regions
Full publication available here: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-75278-1_22