Value Assessment of Natural Mineral Springs Water Used in Spa Facilities

  • Автор : Проф. д-р Еленита Кирилова Великова
  • Дата : 11.02.2024


Defining the value of mineral water when using it in spa facilities includes two components: on one hand is the meaning that mineral water has for guests when they are using spa procedures and on the other the resources which are being saved from not heating regular water. The subject of this study is to show the results of the development of a mathematical model created to evaluate the cost of using natural warm and hot mineral water springs compared to artificial warming of water in spa facilities. The research objective is mineral water as main asset source for spa users and economic source for spa facilities. An interesting topic is the level of influence of the water component for the choice of the consumers. The contemporary consumers of spa services change their requirements for the spa facilities and the availability of mineral water is additional advantage for them. Mineral water springs provide a natural resource that can improve the quality of life of many people. Spa tourism is one of the effective ways to use those springs, and it has the potential to become a key element of our vacation planning, choice of tourist destination and lifestyle. The main purpose of the study is to present a model for determining the value of the mineral waters, thus quantifying the potential benefits of using them in the spa facilities, which is the seeked and desired characteristic of spa services from tourists, and showing losses caused by the waste of such waters. Explaining the nature and significance of the mineral water springs gives the base on which we can say that besides a natural resource that can have beneficial properties for human health, the springs can be a valuable source of savings that can be achieved by using their thermal potential.


Keywords: tourism; spa facilities; mineral springs water; spa users


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